Maison Franco-japonaise: 日仏会館 Institut français de recherche sur le Japon à la Maison franco-japonaise (Umifre 19, MEAE-CNRS)

Langue:JA / FR


Lunch Seminar on the Japanese Economy

Airport Concession: Private Management of a Public Infrastructure

en anglais sans traduction
Date lundi 23 octobre 2023 / 12:30-14:00
Lieu Room 601 & Online
Conférencier Benoit RULLEAU (Representative Director and co-CEO of Kansai Airports )
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Kansai Airports manages the 3 airports of the Kansai region (KIX, Itami airport and Kobe airport) since 2016. In Kobe, traffic has grown by 1/3 despite the COVID crisis, while Itami airport has been fully renovated for the delight of its passengers and visitors. Terminal 1 in KIX is now undergoing a complete reorganization of its domestic and international areas, to increase its capacity and commercial functions and be a proud “first pavilion” for the Expo in 2025. How to explain the amounts invested by the private operator and the successful development and management of this critical public infrastructure? Benoit Rulleau, who represents VINCI Airports in this joint venture with ORIX and other Japanese shareholders, will share the secrets of airport concession business.

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(Representative Director and co-CEO of Kansai Airports)

Benoit Rulleau is currently Representative Director and Co-Chief Executive Officer at Kansai Airports (VINCI Group). He graduated from the Ecole Polytechnique (Paris), the Ecole Nationale de l’Aviation Civile and the Paul Sabatier Toulouse III University. Before joining Kansai Airports, he worked at the Direction Generale de l’Aviation Civile, as well as in different entities of the Mitsubishi group. He was also economic counselor at the French Embassy in Japan, representing French Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development, Transport and Housing. Within the French embassy, he was in charge of aeronautic and rail industries, transports, construction, energy and environment issues.

Organization: FRIJ-MFJ
Co-organization: CCI France Japon
Support: French Embassy in Japan

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